Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another sunny, windy day. Yesterday we forgot to mention that we are also getting to know Parisa, who sits on the other side of us.

Parisa’s stuff is very cool. She sells necklaces and pillows with religious images on them. Her website sells other non-religious items, but she can’t sell that on the street because it is considered “merchandise”. Religious items fall under the first amendment.

We are thinking of talking her into making some Jewish things, too, so we can give Adam a gift. While we were talking today, one of the vendors from down the street came by. Parisa asked him why he packed up so early and he said all his stuff was broken. Some crazy guy comes by his stand regularly and just kicks his table, so all of his Buddhas fall into the street. The vendor usually calls the police, but by that time the guy is long gone. We felt really sorry for the vendor and were a little afraid that that crazy guy might find us, too.

After the vendor left, we had a funny experience. A man from Kenya and his tour guide stopped in front of our stand. The tour guide exclaimed: "These are dynamic!" And the man took pictures of us, yelling: “I have to send these to Kenya!” We were very excited about this. How cool is that! They’ll know us in Kenya!

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